Friday, August 10, 2007

Are we?

It seems that people are content with having one foot in the church and the other foot in soot. (Besides, you may hurt yourself in such a position). As if people were in a huge masquerade (Casting Crowns). Take a minute to reflect and ask yourself?

Are we living to be the utmost Christian that we are all called to be?

Are we speaking in tongues that speak the truth?

Are we leading by example of true Disciples of Christ?

Are we truly praying as often as we claim that we should be?

Are we truly letting it all go and offering it all up to God?

Are we placing more value of worldly concerns then we should be?

Are we falling short (again in some cases)?

Are we looking away when our peers fall?

Are we letting pride take control?

Are WE?

Or are we being complacent to worldly mannerisms. Do we have the courage to stand for Christ? Do we not place worth in what our Lord thinks? I discern that our Lord would not be content with us not being wholehearted disciples for Him. Even after He has advised us- time and time again. I suppose that our Lord would be pretty thwarted at some of our actions or lack there of.

1 John 3:17-18

Therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, be on your guard not to be led into the error of the unprincipled and to fall from your own stability.

But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory now and to the day of eternity. (Amen.)

Our principles are not thorny as the crown that was placed on Christ. They are simple, to love and live in obedience as true disciples of Christ. We must individually strive to find the ‘inspiration’ that motivates us to become a fully functional disciple of Christ. Venture into the realms of Christianity to spark up what it is that motivates you to continue on the path He has chosen for you. Love one another – no matter how difficult it may seem to you. Be obedient and disciplined in your faith:

· Read the BIBLE

· Go to Mass as often as possible

· Repent / Confess

· PRAY AT ALL TIMES (even when you don’t have the energy to)

· read the daily reflections (daily mass readings)

· read a daily devotional

· enroll yourself in RCIA if needed

· go to a bible study class

· phone a friend -support group

· serve / stewardship

In doing so, you will see that your focus will be more on Christ and less on the giants that exert their energy on bringing you down.

And he said to them, "You justify yourselves in the sight of others, but God knows your hearts; for what is of human esteem is an abomination in the sight of God. Luke 16:15.


MissyTheWriter said...

Oddly......I tottally concur ;)

*Lisa* said...

There are not enough people in the world today who are willingly ready to discuss how they truly feel about our Lord. They worship him in silence in fear of what others might think of them. I am glad to know someone who does. And who truly knows him personally. God Bless you.

Sandra S. King

Suzette said...

Lisa, Congrats on your blog! I love the idea of it and what has already been written! You inspire me and I hope to use it to inspire others too! Love, Suzy

Unknown said...

I love this new thing...I am going to save it to my favorites, so that I can visit it as many times that I am online...which is not that many but I can still see what's up with you :) Congrats on your very innovative ideas as always! ;)

Unknown said...

my comment on this issue, is that sometimes we read articles or opinions like these and we say to ourselves "wow, this is so right, I can't believe that people continuously do this". What we must realize is that we must take a long look at ourselves and I MEAN TAKE A LONG LOOK AT OURSELVES..and see what we must change in our own lives. None of us are perfect and we need to ask ourselves if "I" am doing this...our jobs in our ministries are to reflect the "love" of Christ and by doing so, we reflect the "law" with our actions. In essence my closing statement is "people can SAY what they mean, but people DO what they believe" you guys :)