Sunday, October 7, 2007

What is the difference between today and a year ago?

It is important to continually keep yourself evolving in The Lord. And so it is important to continually "check yourself". I have learned that it is not important to know where you are going exactly but rather that you are definitely headed somewhere with Jesus at your side. As desperate as the general public is to seek a definite answer to what will happen adventurous would life be if we knew how it will all work out? Still the inward struggle of letting go and demanding answers is a daily one. But slowly the struggle fades because God loves me. When I began returning to that reality, that God not only loves us all but also He loves ME, individually, abundantly and has made all the difference. It is definitely one of those things you thought you believed until you really truly accepted it as a reality.
SO what is the difference between today and a year ago? The difference is simple and amazing:God loves ME, individually, abundantly and perfectly. I have issues, bountiful and complicated individually and collectively. His hand has been at work in my life perfectly since before I came to exist, all the days between when I ignored Him then stopped ignoring Him then ignored Him again and so on. Because God loves me, I know He knows all of me, better than I do. He has known what He is doing all along and in all the days to come. And because of this, the purest trust blazes in my heart thus igniting FAITH, HOPE and LOVE for all things, perfect and imperfect, simple and complex but primarily love for God. I have often claimed that I have never been in love. I can't do that anymore. I am in love....his name is Jesus, the captain of the Varsity People team. And God has been the Father I have never had, never knew I missed, and can't do without. I know that now, I didn't know that a year ago.

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