Friday, February 1, 2008

Are you facing your Giants?

Hi there. I know, I know... As most of you know, I have started working again. Wow, talk about a challenge I didn't think was possible a year and some ago. =) However, I have been blessed once again with another great company, great co-workers and and awesome boss. The company is close to the house (not having to travel too much).

I can't believe that it is the first day of February already. The month has flown by. If you guys are anything like me, not even taken a second to appreciate the month. As we start our preparation for Lent (yes, I said Lent - already!) we need to get ourselves on track... See my next post on Lent Preparations...

Conversely, this post is focusing on Giants (Something that evil holds over your head to lead you away from your ultimate goal - GOD). Unfortunately, we all have Giants. For example, fear of failure is a huge Giant of mine. I will find myself guiding my decisions because I don't want to feel like I've failed at something else. It is a very deep and debilitating feeling. It has taken many sleepless/crying nights to feel like I have made strides on on shooting this Giant with my sling. I can only imagine what your Giants are? Is your Giant holding you from accomplishing the goal that you know you have to do.

You need to ask yourself - If God places a task in front of you - are you going to accept it? Or are you going to let the Giant brainwash you into thinking that you are not worthy, you can't do it alone, you will never complete it (like anything else you start), you are not good enough to do the task, the fear that you will make a fool of yourself or any other negative thought he will throw your way. Any of these sound familiar?

Evil will stop at nothing. So, should you. You have your task at hand, God has blessed you with free will to choose what you would like to do. Are you going to listen to your Giants continue to bring you down and keep you from progressing in life and keep you in that dark place? Or are you going to take that leap of faith and blindly trust God into your next chapter of life.

I know I have said it before, but you need to make sure that you have the resources to help you along the way readily available. If you are feeling those Giants creeping in - first and foremost, I start off with the Holy Spirit Prayer :

O, Holy Spirit beloved of my Soul, I adore You. Enlighten me, Guide Me Strengthen me. Console me. I promise to Submit myself to all that you desire of me. And to acept all that you Permit to Haapen to me. Let me only know YOUR WILL!

Secondly, "phone a friend". Your support group needs to be on speed dial - if you think about it twice evil will give you an excuse not to call them. You guys, know you can call me for anything at any time (hubby's used to it already, lol) Thirdly, call in air support (the Angels) you can't go wrong with calling in the troops when times get tough. St. Michael is the defender against evil - hasn't failed me yet - Praise GOD!

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits Who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen

Lastly, saturate it in prayer. Every step of your way needs to be saturated in prayer. In doing so, you will find the strength to stomp on your Giant and move on to the next chapter of your life.

It is not going to be easy - but I can guarantee that with God's grace you will get through it. Keep the faith and He will guide you through...
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me (PH4:13)

Need some theme music...
(Facing the Giants - awesome movie - a must see!)

I love you


Adry1018 said...

Hi Lisa,
Haven't spoken to you in a while...I miss you!!!! I hope your family had a great New Years!!! I hadn't checked out your blog since you first started it and for some reason I searched for it today! Wow..How inspiring and motivating!! Thank you for taking the time to write about such an important topic that affects us all.
I'm so glad to hear that you are working again!! I will call you soon so that we can catch up!

*Lisa* said...

Hi sweetie... I miss you too. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment =) Talk to you soon...
P.S. Still on for Emmaus ???

Love you,