Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Christians Voting

OK – everyone, I know that this is a hard topic, and one that no- one alogn with religion likes to talk about with others. But, I am in a pickle of sorts and need to vent.

I am a Democrat – Yes a hard working – family oriented, was a member of the DEC and the Homestead-Fla city Democratic Party… I take politics very seriously. When it was time for me to choose what party I wanted to be involved in – I did my research and felt that I wanted to be associated with the Democratic party. I believe in working families and better wages, civil rights, I believe in national health care, etc… I still try to stay involved. Some of my closets friends are Dems and most of my family either are Dems or choose to vote Dem.

I am a huge Obama fanatic!!! He is an incredible speaker, mentor, father and husband. He is being very adamant on the hunt for a shift in perspective for all Americans. I believe that is exactly what N. America needs right now. With the struggles of recent Bush Administration turmoil, we require someone in office that will re-unite the nation and I believe that Obama can do just that. Hence, why I have chosen to vote for him!

So, now that you have an idea of my view on Dems, I am Christian. Does it really matter you ask? Well, my hubby and I have been “discussing” this for a few weeks now. My husband votes democrat but is a registered Republican. He recently became a man of God and is diligently working toward a new life within himself and with the family. In doing so, he has changed his thought process significantly. He doesn’t see how we can be both Christian and Democratic at the same time. He is battling over the decision of how to vote this coming election. It seems he is battling the concept of a true Christian voter (more Conservative) and the candidates that are actually running. He brought up a valid point, if we are pro-life – how can we vote someone in to office who is pro-choice. However, I thought – even if we are pro-life and we vote a candidate who is pro-life, who’s to say that he won’t send thousands of our fellow brothers and sisters to die overseas. Does an American Soldier have no worth over a hopeless fetus?

Voting is the most overwhelming way to make the nation hear what you have to say. If we vote toward someone whose values and morals are misguided, then that is how he will run the nation. Conversely, if we vote for someone who values their morals, our country will be lead to that direction.

The way I see it is that the separate between church and state does not entice Christians not to voice their beliefs and opinions. God teaches us to balance the earthly and spiritual portions of our lives. We have been blessed us with free will and the said will to choice who we believe will be the best at leading this nation under God. I am Christian before I am Democrat. Hence, why I am choosing to vote for a person who has a strong Christian edification, morals and values! Having someone in office with such standing will ultimately lead the nation accordingly!

1 comment:

chincha said...

GOOO OBAMA!!! lol it's always a touchy subject to mix religion with politics. perhaps im wrong on this, but i always thought the dems were much closer politically, to what a good christian is (helping the poor, doing good, equality, ect.). all the reps i know are big business trying to screw everyone over and not caring for us little people. the biggest difference would be the whole pro-choice/life situation. and well to base a presidential candidate on solely that one issue is well, dangerous i think, no matter which way that person swings. i think there are bigger issues out there that should define a candidate. :D yay for blogs!!! <3