Friday, July 6, 2012

... And we meet again...

It has been almost 2 years to the day since my last post. It still astonishes me how quickly time actually flies by. However, I have wanted to kick start my blog again – the concept of the blog was to give everyone a day in the life of my crazy – “Every day is an Adventure” lifestyle I actually had. The problem was, my adventures were so exhausting and overwhelming I truly was not finding the time to do the things (as selfish as this may sound) that I want to do. For instance, this amazing blog, more reading, and at the top of my list more time with God! Needlesstosay, my priorities have been slowly re-prioritizing themselves.

First on the list of things to do – blow off the dust on this blog, give it a little face-lift and a name change! Hope you like it. I’ve been praying for a few days on a new name, researched all kinds of different sites and was flustered. I woke up this morning, opened my daily devotional and guess what the title was – LIVING RIGHTEOUSLY… that’s it! It’s perfect – EUREKA!!!! As I attempted to contain my merriment as the rest of the family sleeps. I grabbed the laptop and gave the blog it’s new name.

The bible verse: So turn from youthful desires and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord* with purity of heart ~2Tim2:2

That’s it! That is exactly is! We ( I ) must strive to live a life of righteousness. Coincidentally, Paul further explains and adds that faith, love and peace. Not as a reminder that Righteousness does not incorporate these three virtues but as a reminder that as you practice a veracious way of living that you don’t lose sight of these vital virtues in the interim. As a woman with many hats, a righteous woman (or person for that matter) should aspire to be faithful, honest, generous, disciplined, loving, kind, humble, grateful, exude temperance, compassion, empathy and patience…

I have a few topics that I have been marinating… I’m going to dig deep, dust off my resource books, engulf in prayer and ride this through… I hope you come along for the ride and live righteously with me!

Grab your journal... Simply answer Yes or No: Are you LIVING RIGHTEOUSLY?
If you feel compelled to continue writing great! But, if you want to stop right there then it's ok as well. If your answer is NO, grab a sticky note and place NO! on your mirror and have it serve as a reminder that you are not living righteously and you are gong to start today! Why not, today is a great day to begin !

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