Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life's Choices...

We’ve all been subject to making “choices” in our life. Some choices have been good, bad, some so-so choices.  Some choices have been vocational or career choices; some have been speech, friends, lifestyles or even behavioral choices in our day.

However, in making these choices how often do we actually sit and analyze or examine the choice we must yield or even the circumstances and/or consequences we must endure thereafter?

Solomon states in Proverbs 4:26
      Survey the path for your feet and all your ways will be sure

Pretty self-explanatory, huh?!?  Let’s further explore what exactly this verse is detailing…

Survey=  It is to simply think about the path before we employ and choose to do anything,  To explore and study what the possibilities, weigh out the pro’s and con’s prior to making your choice.

The Path =  the path is a metaphoric path.  It is the journey we call life. 

Your Feet =  is not literally your ten toes – two feet!  It is a figurative verb for action!

All your ways will be sure =  “Wise living does not come by accident. It must be thoughtfully pursued” ~Unkown   

So, before we engage, or choose to do anything we must simply investigate it our actions, then proceed for they will be indisputable. If you are able to SURVEY your PATH for your FEET then in all simplicity your choices will be unquestionable.  In this way we can all walk with  and buoyancy that we made the right choice/discernment in this journey, called life!

Grab your journal:
“There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle the other is as though everything is a miracle” ~ Albert Einstein.  We have the choice to live our lives on the perception of which way we want to live.

Meditate for a moment on three choices you have had to make in your life (you could use the aforementioned list to help guide you).  Did you SURVEY prior to making those particular choices?  Looking back, could you see a difference if you had or had not done a little SURVEYING prior? 

1 comment:

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